Day 3 of the search for Captain Jack Sparrow started out inauspiciously this morning as we walked to the harbor and saw the Black Pearl making her way south towards Palos Verdes. We could just barely make out her big black sail in the early morning fog. Maybe we would have better luck on our evening walk....
Coco and I set out for King Harbor about 6 PM. We got to the park by the pier and we could see the Black Pearl as just a teeny tiny dot anchored off the coastline of Palos Verdes....
Soon however, we began to see a small boat making it's way towards King Harbor. Finally, it docked and a lone figure emerged...could it be the elusive Captain Jack?
It looked like him but we couldn't be sure. Crowds had gathered down by the screened off walk way...We decided to take a closer look. We couldn't see thru the fence so we stood on a sandbag and held the camera overhead and snapped the first person we heard walking past...
Could it be???? Was it possible???? Still we were not sure. The crowds got bigger and louder and Coco was getting nervous so we decided to find a bit of space to chill out and figure out our next move. We walked down to the entrance to the parking lot where there is a nice piece of grass and we waited....
Soon we heard the screams of the crowd and saw the flashing lights of a police escorted black SUV...
We quickly jumped up and waited for it to pass by...
It's him! Captain Jack Sparrow, masquerading as Johnny Depp!
"Cute dog", says Captain Jack as he waves and passes by!
Coco is overcome with excitment and joy! Whatever will tomorrow bring...