Sunday, August 27, 2006

Coco of the Caribbean!
The Black Pearl has dropped anchor in King Harbor and filming has resumed on Pirates of the Caribbean III.

Coco thinks she would be perfect for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow's loyal pup...afterall they both have perfect eyeliner.

Linda and Coco looking for Captain Jack Sparrow

Rumour has it that they will be filming over the next couple of weeks. Check back often as Coco plans to stalk the harbor until she finds Captain Jack...

Meanwhile, Alice and Coco enjoyed a happy reunion when Alice returned from her New York vacation.

Coco charms Alice's friend David

Alice's last day in her groovy sublet apartment before she moved back into the dorms at college.

Linda and Alice on campus

Coco and her friend Taj playing. Taj is a puggle and a really sweet doggy.

King Harbor...

Coco back on the trail of....

The Captain of the Black Pearl.... be continued! Arrrgh!!

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